How do I get trapped air bled out of 1996 Fiat Punto heater matrix?

I have fitted a new heater matrix to my 1996 Punto (1100 cc petrol) and cannot get it to blow really hot air out. I have checked the water pump is ok, replaced the thermostat, and I have tried to bleed using the main radiator valve first, then the bleed valve on the higher pipe attached to the matrix. Heater blower air goes full belt, but just takes the heat off the cold air. If engine is revved at over 5K revs for about 10 seconds, good heat comes out. There is a gurgling sound when engine is cold and I rev it. I've run out of ideas - can you help please?
Robert Winning., January 2005
check temp is rising heating engine is hot feel pipes to and from rad may be blocked if head is gone temp will rise well up the scale hard to start first time

e3amonj, January 2005
Happy New Year Robert!

Thats the good news....... the bad news is it sounds like your head-gasket is blown, sorry!!!

the gurgling could be exhaust gasses getting into your cooling system.
From cold start the engine (with the water filler removed) and while its running put the cap back on. give it a couple of minutes and quite a hard rev for about 5 second bursts. while its still running CAREFULLY take that cap off and if you've got a gush of water bubbling out of it then head-gasket.

This is just going by what you've said, so hopefully its not that thats wrong.

ALso check your oil filler cap, if theres stuff on it like mayonaise thats another sign of head gasket failure!


TamTheBam, January 2005
link Click here to see other fixes for Fiat Punto.