Acer Aspire?

laptop cut from micro sd card using adapter sd card in laptop sd slot, pasted to laptop left 18 mns found transfer complete checked it and it disapeard aint seen it in any folders so where could be? oh! nothing on the card. next time I will copy & paste so I have a backup.
windows 7
thanks in advance
bob uk, July 2016
no perhaps not clear

cut from sd card to the laptop checked he folder when to put folder ino another with others and it disapeared.

will follow your ins. see if thats what what ive done. will take care next time

thanks electro. appologies for caps key stuck going in for service tomorrow.
no the computor.

bob uk, July 2016
OK, you cut the originals to copy your files to the SD card. That's reckless.

It's highly possible that you accidentally copied to another location on the laptop. After all, the SD card looks like a drive, possibly inter called between two other.

With the SD cart connected, take a look in the locations next to it. Look both UP and DOWN, up to 3 or 4 lines. Your files may be there.

Launch a search on the laptop for any of the missing file. If several files share some naming pattern, use that pattern. If you get any result, take a look in the folder where the result was found. All your files are probably there.

Also, you may want to check your recycle bin and restore files from it.

Finally, I strongly agree with you, COPY, don't cut. After all, it's always good to have several copies of important files in different places.
I also like to use the drag-n-drop method. Quick and easy.

Electro, July 2016
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