remove all torx nuts and nuts to brake disk that need to be replaced anyway as they shear off in the old disk.order ten hub to disk nuts from fords and two split pins to do the job.torx bolts should be OK and wont need changing .now hit the side of the disk hit it hard with a lump hammer turning disk so you remove it evenly get some thin ended chisels to split it away at the back looking over the top of disk where its attached and loads of wd40 .if you round off any nuts going into the disk don't worry .wen you hit the hub and disk off take it to a garage and give them a few quid to remove the nuts they burnt mine of .and i went back and completed the task job done .don't go thinking i cant do it you'll need a 36mm socket for the center bolt. 10 bolts that go from hub to disk. and two split get the torq nuts off you'll need a long 50 torq thing. im no mechanic but i done mine OK. ps i have a twin wheel base rear wheel drive 2002....good luck
paul cardiff 09/ 03/ 2011, March 2011