Help please. Our Chaffetaux Sterling FF is making a terrible noise, but only when we use the hot water. It starts off ok but as the water gets hotter the noise gets worse until the boiler stops. It then starts again and goes thorough the same cycle.
I've seen several posts on sites saying how crap these boilers are but I'm stuck with this at the moment.
The flow is not bad probabley less than it used to be though and the noise seems to be getting worse. Are there any chemical cleaners I could use. I have the manual for the boiler with inst on how to remove it.
Tim, November 2007
yes it can be cleaned out but it isnt easy,
you may have to remove it to clean it,
do you get a good flow of water from the hot tap?
barry, November 2007
Barry is it possible to clean the heat exchanger or is it a new one? If it can be cleaned what is the best way?
Tim, November 2007
the secondary,
the dhw shouldnt get hoter than 57 to 60 c
barry, November 2007
Barry there are 2 heat exchangers, Primary and secondary?
Which one or both?
Tim, November 2007
it may be that the plate heat exchanger is blocked up,
barry, November 2007
Just remembered something. The water gets fairly hot, but the boiler cuts off even if there is still a tap on. Everynow and then the boiler will not fire at all (it runs) but no CH or DHW until I reset a small red switch which I think is on the overheat thermostat.
Tim, November 2007
The water gets fairly hot, but the boiler cuts off even if there is still a tap on