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why is my talbot express misfiring when under load?

K reg talbot express 2.0 petrol. When going uphill, the engine starts missing and I have to change down to keep it going. If I clamp the return pipe to the petrol tank, the van will run anywhere without a problem. The firm I got if off put on a 2nd hand petrol pump which they assured was ok but the prob still persists. I think they are muppets anyway. Any ideas, does it need anew pump, will keeping the pipe clamped be detrimental?
pete mccabe, November 2007
Hi. You can keep the pipe clamped without any detrimental effects. The pump on these engines is not very strong, and the return fuel system is a poor adaptation from the Diesel engine. If you look at the "t" piece where the return pipe comes off it should have a constriction in one of the outlets. This is the outlet that connects to the return pipe. If you "t' piece does no then you could fit your own constriction inside the pipe, or you could simply connect the pump directly to the carb, disconnect the return pipe, block it and clamp it (VERY securely to prevent leaks) and tie it out of the way. Saying that though I run a TE with a standard fuel pump and some extensive pumbing (it goes through 2 filters and an electonic solenolid before reaching the carb, and the return pipe is still fitted) with no problems, so perhaps a new pump is the way to go. BTW I have tried all the above methods and they all work fine. Connecting the pump directly to the carb does NOT cause it to flood the float chamber, the pumps just aren't that powerful, and to be honest I beleive that leaving the return circuit from the diesel version was just a cost saving measure by the manufacturer to prevent them having to make 2 types of tank! Regards.

SteveJ, January 2008