does it spray through the hand tools? If it does then it sounds like the heater is blocked- the soap that bissel uses tends to coagulate in the heater or the loines going into the heater- take the lower handle apart, there you should see a rectangular metal box with wires going to it- that is the heater. disconnect the plastic tubes and get like some aquarium hose- attach to either line connection- see if you can blow through it- if you can't then you need to open it (there are 7 screws holding the lid on) using a paper clip or coat hanger see if you can clear the port (!! IMPORTANT!! do NOT push the paper clip more than about 3/4 inch in- you may see the clog right away OR take the paper clip and follow the tracks- have something to wipe the soap clogs onto- when the track is clear, and you can blow through both connectors- then reassemblt the heater, and put the lines back on it, then reassemble the lower handle, and it should be fixed
Scott Pranke, December 2010