The display on my Pfaff 7550 has gone out. Otherwise it works fine. I powered down overnight (removed battery and unplugged it) and then put in new batteries but it didn't help. Is there something else I should try or is it time to take it to a repair person?
Menu button is stuck. No stitch displays just a picture of a sewing machine and PC on my Pfaff 7550 screen. It lights but I cannot sew.
Claudia, April 2020
The display screen on my Pfaff 7570 sewing machine lights up when switched on but it is not reflecting any of the stitches from the menu and consequently I am unable to sew at all. All I have is a lighted blank screen. Please advise problem.
Danielle Fisher, July 2013
Hello Amy,
Sounds like the in line fuse has gone inside the machine, shop repair unfortunately.