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Craftsman Briggs & Stratton carbureator question?

I've got a Craftsman LT3000 w/ B/S engine. I think I fouled the carbureator w/ trashy gas. I've cleaned the carbureator and replaced the fuel filter. It cranks when choked, but won't run in fast. It will barely hold & run in slow if coaxed. I'm going to try cleaning the carbureator again, but there is an electric switch/sensor/something connect to the bottom of the carbureator bowl. What is it and could that be part of my problem?
Wayne Boyette, January 2008

Okayyyyy. Sounds complicated for a lawn mower. So, are you suggesting I pop off the carb bowl, leave the sensor connected and turn the ignition to see if the needle comes out in the bowl? Next questions, if that is indeed my problem, why would it have happened? how do I fix it? or where can I get another sensor (if necessary)? Thanks.

Wayne, January 2008
That is the electrical fuel cut off switch and indeed it could be your problem. With it removed but electrically connected, switch the ignition on and see if the needle retracts. You'll need to earth the switch, naturally.

John, January 2008
link Click here to see other fixes for Briggs & Stratton.