Part numbers required for IVECO Gearbox and Clutch?
Hope someone can help me! I am needing to source a replacement gearbox and/or clucth for my M reg Iveco 59.12. I know that a number of gearboxes are available for this, and I need to search for parts!
Does anyone know a part number/s for gearboxs and or clutches for this model??
yeah, call alliance global for iveco parts. the guy eric really helped me out
brian, February 2011
I am an Iveco dealer in the USA and would be glad to help if I can.
You can call me at 352-514-4299 or look us up at
Eric, February 2011
scrap the twatt
ian scott, December 2010
i Need of a picture of a flower of 974 Iveco engine, number 4806862
Mohamed Okasha, June 2010
have a look at a website called, you might find the part numbers you are looking for there
tony, November 2009
I just ordered some parts from a company who knew the model from the reg plate, so I presume they have a database which links it all up. try