You will most probably find that the element is gone, This is a job for a qualified repair but you can do it yourself providing that you do this safely.
Firstly isolate the cooker from the mains do not just turn the cooker off make usre the MCB or fuse for the cooker at the consumer box close to your electricity meter is turned off first. There might be an inspection cover inside the oven can you remove this to gain a look at the element. Run your finger carefully around the element feeling for any rough broken surface. Usually the element will be cracked. When this happens you may find your consumer box with MCB tripping, switch the mcb back on and then find your oven is not working. I would state that the element has gone. These elements have a shelf live of 18 months or so depending on how much the cooker is used.Shop around the net for the cheapest price high street electrical appliance spares are usually a rip off!
Carlito Corway, January 2008