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how do i derestrict a sym jet?

how can i derestrict my sym jet basix 50cc
austin, January 2008
Dimlows,that aint a washer at the exhaust manifold that is a soft metal gasget whhich heats up and expands to fill the gap,taking that off make a silly loud noise,thus compression is escaping,not good you fool.and do not cut any wires.derestricting a cdi is not sensible as it makes your engine run at too high rpm,putting way too much pressure on your crankshaft pushing the piston up and down,u need a stronger spark,racing exhaust,endy is best,45 mill air filter,upjetted carb,move throttle needle stopper down,engine rebuild,7.5 gram rollers,racing variator,adjustable clutch with assorted clutch springs for personalised pull off,none of which puts too much strain on the engine,stronger spark equals pertol burns faster and more efficiently,more petrol running through carb means more air to be mixed,more air and petrol means more power.sorted

kezz, September 2011
Take the variator off, angle grind the 2mm lip off so the plates touch, fit a race air filter, race exhaust and a 95 main jet, cut the light green wire on the cdi, remove clutch washer, fit 6.6g variator rollers then your set for 45mph flats, 55 downhill. If anyone says faster then its a 70cc or they are lying

dan, July 2011
at the cylinder head end of the exasust there is a washer take the washer out and that will give the ped more compression allowing the ped to have more power and topspeed.

dav, March 2009
buy my kundo pipe mallosi clutch / clutch belt andf rollers m,ain jet varierty

stano, February 2009
you take the ristricters off it numpty

mark, August 2008
take it to a sym dealer

sym dealer, August 2008
how to derestrict your scooter

michael, June 2008