YES - I bought a kit on ebay from the USA. THe window is standard and the same as the BMW, It should come with a zipper head, glue and needle and thread. Allow two hours. You need two people, one inside and one outside. (It could be a 30m job with experience). Take your time. Discuss each step.
Choose a warm dry day, use a garage, or move to Australia like us.
Have a good look at the window and trim fitting. Mark the original start and end zip positions on the inside of the hood to help your realignment,
The start is tricky releasing the clip retaining the zipper ends due to access and lack of light from the inside. I boldly cut a hole in the window so could access from the outside. After removing the clip, the window zips out easily.
Release pressure on the hood - open it as it ready for the motor.
Lining up the zips is the second tricky part to get the zipper head on. Once done the zipping process is fine. To help it chock the hood a a bit further - 14 inches?
The zipping was slow round the corners where it was tight. i used WD 40 to ease the zipper. BE careful - just on the plastic of the zip with a finger not near the perspex.
We found our efforts to complete the zipping opened up the zipper where we had started - we begun again more carefully and in 5 minutes had the window zipped in.
Then you need to sew across the zip ends with the thread and needle - two person job passing the needle in and out.
Then it is complete and you have to retrain your mind not use mirrors all the time.
Perth WA, April 2012