hello emma,
this panel should revert back to factory set condition if you;
remove the cover of the main panel(not the small keypad).
remove one connection from the battery (red or black)
and turn off the electric supply. reinstate the battery connection after 20 seconds or so have passed. and press;
'RESET' 'RESET' (within 5 seconds) of powering up. it is adviseable to have 1 person to power up and another to operate the keypad, because the 5 secs is critical. if the battery connection does not give 'power up' then you will need to replace it for the same.
if this is sucessful, reinstate the electricity and replace panel cover. you may need to silence the alarm by keying in 0,1,2,3. followed by 'reset' then you can change the code as follows;
1. press 'prog'
2. key in 0,1,2,3. (within 10 secs of pressing prog)
3. press '8'
4. key in new 4 digit code (and remember it !!)
5. press 'reset' 'reset'
6. key in the new code and system should set, key it in again and it should return to 'day'. job done, good luck
mike, January 2008