Tevion camera SN9C103 Disc Download?
Please read the following and if you can inform me how to solve the problem. Where can I contact Tevion?
Problem caused by SN9C103 Video/Audio Single-Chip Processor (Webcam)This problem was caused by a compatibility issue between Windows Vista and SN9C103 Video/Audio Single-Chip Processor (Webcam).SN9C103 Video/Audio Single-Chip Processor (Webcam) is usually distributed by the company that manufactured your device or computer.Note: If you bought SN9C103 Video/Audio Single-Chip Processor (Webcam) from a retailer and installed it yourself, you will need to contact the manufacturer of SN9C103 Video/Audio Single-Chip Processor (Webcam).Recommendation--------------------------------------------------------------------------------To find out if a solution or an updated version of SN9C103 Video/Audio Single-Chip Processor (Webcam) is available, contact your device or computer manufacturer.
jaypa, January 2008