i have a new treadmill model -body sculpture bt3120
the power light in on the display all lights up but it just wont start. we have no manual to check things out but in the box there was an allen key does this need to be used in any way- we are stumped.
Can I fix my BT 3120 motorised treadmill computer. The speed option on the computer will not work. It allows you to set the other options, calories, km, etc, but not speed. Can you help
Vivienne Kay, February 2011
You may have a bad lower board. We need to try a test.
Stand on the side of you treadmill and push the belt with one foot.
Push the start button and keep pushing the belt..
If your treadmill belt starts to run, you may have bad motor brushes caused by a dirty or worn belt and deck.
If it doesn’t start but the speed is being read then you could have a bad lower board.
A loose motor wire could do this too. For further help You can contact me here,