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Boiler making clicking sound?

I have a glowworm ultimate boiler, it has been fine prior to the past few days, sometimes just before it fires it makes a clicking noise like a chatering relay for a couple of seconds then it fires up. I have took the cover off to look and there is a unit with the gas pipe going into it that makes the noise. Is this some form of regulator/gas control swithch ?.
Ted Bowen, February 2008
its the igniter

Bill Murtagh, February 2008
Not nessasarily the gas valve playing up, or something a gas fitter is needed for. Mine did this too, I located it to a poor connection on the temperature selector (the slider potentiometer you select the radiator temperature with). Replaced the potentiometer... and no problems....

Boyd S, February 2008
It's not a sticky gas valve - if it's chattering, it's because the relay driving the gas valve is chattering because the electronics on the ocb is faulty

... corgis

geoff@cet, February 2008
sounds like your talking about your gas valve. it maybe getting abit sticky.
but that comes under corgi.

hi-spec plumbing & heating, February 2008