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how can i fix my mini dirt bike ?

i have an old mini dirt bike that i baught off my friend ...
it doesnt work so i changed the spark plug , fixed the pull start and still doesnt work i put some unleded fuel in with some 2 stroke oil .
this still doesnt work ,
my only theory is to clean out the fuel pipes and try starting it again ...
it this the correct thing to do ?
or is there any thing else that i can do to it ?
tony grady, February 2008
i can get my zipper 50cc minibike started but wont stay started ive tryed the ide carb thing but i dnt kniw what to do and cant find a machanic that wil touch the bike

k, January 2023
i have the same problem and am unsure on how to fix it,
have you tried pushing it along while pull starting it.?

matt, November 2010
i kno this seems a little late buh if yu still have da same problem dis has got to work remove da carb overflow cap then you will see a piece of metal in the shape of a c this is mainly a bronze colour if you remove that there will be a small pin you must not lose these. put sumwere safe. this is were the petrol flows thru. the gt something thin n flexible ( mayb something metal) and use that to clean ou the hole then put everything back on except for the cap. now get a flat screwdriver n u will see a small bronze piston ( this is were the overflow peti goes ) ethar blow thru that so yu can atleast see a tiny hole or use that flexible metal to poke. then put every thing bak on if dis dnt work then i dnt kno wat will. WEST SIDE!

Rizzy, September 2010
it works but only thing evry time i go on it for a wee while the 2 stroke starts to poor out

william, May 2010
i tried 5 times and it didn't work!?

joshualaird, April 2009
i bought a new mini dirt bike but i accidently put the wrong oil in it. then i put the bike upside down when i realised. so i got 2 stroke oil and unleaded petrol but it still won't start.

umer, January 2009
you can take the spark plug out still leaving it attached to the spark wire and touch the tip of it to a part of the engine and pull it then u can see if there is spart if there is no spark its your magneto also take the spark plug out put a bit og gas in the hole and put the plug back n it should start

danny, September 2008
This isn't really an answer, but i've had the exact same problem as you. I bought it off my friend and added fuel and bought a new pull start and cleaned the spark plug and it still doesn't work so i'll try some of the mentioned methods. Cheers everyone!!!

Jazza999, June 2008
take out the spark plug and put a cap full of petrol in the hole of were the spark plug came out then tighting it back on the when you pull it the exhaust should start to smoke and it will eventually start up

josh, April 2008
yh i had the sme problem with my mini moto but i screwd my idle screw in on the left side of the carburetor n i screwed it in fully thn backed ito ut slowley 11/4 turns try tht

stoner, March 2008
yes clean out them, also clean the air filter, if it hasnt been run for a while it might not start because its cold run it about for a bit then try start it with the choke up to allow more fuel in then if that gets it started put the choke back down and let it stand for a bit

matt h, March 2008
turn the switch near the choke so it allows the petrol to get through, as theat may be stopping it, turn it so it's facing upwards.

nadineeee, March 2008
It may be that no fuel is getting to the engine. If it's old and has been left sitting for a while then the carburettor will need stripping and cleaning out with carb cleaner. Unleaded pretrol evaporates in the carb and leaves deposits that can block the jets. Check the fuel pipes are clean and unblocked and that the air filter is clean and free of dirt too. Check also the engine timing and compression. If all are set correctly then it should start.

Angela., February 2008