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Slight knocking sound when car runs over rough ground/road?

Thanks to all who helped me solve that damn leak on the Mondeo was the foam membrane..heres another...have a 2001 Diesel Mondeo, 2Lt Diesel. When I leave smooth road and go onto rough road, a kinda of knocking comes into the car, sounds as if its suspension related, the mechanic who prepared it for its NCT (car test in Ireland every 2 years) couldnt find where it was comming from. It passed the NCT no bother, even with the knocking in it, the mechanic thinks,and only thinks it may be the top part of the shock, but as it passed the NCT he was reluctant to spend his time and my money investigating it further, the car isnt wearing tyres improperly or anything. Just when you go onto a rough surface a "on-off" dum dum dum sound (knocking noise can be heard) drove me mad for the first few weeks I had the car, ime used to it now, Ime getting new tyres and tracking shortly so I said Ide check it out myself...any ideas and if so how to fix etc....Joe
Joe, February 2008
i have a problem,sounds like the same thing,but i have mondeo hatch mk2 98,just replaced from n/s/f shock spring and hub,put it all back correctly,and know i get the sense when driving,as if im going over a speed bump every 2 seconds,going to be checking it out,soon,but any ideas,would be of great help,thanks

simon edwards, June 2009
sounds a bit like anti roll bar bushes or links. I had a similar problem when I renewed wishbones on a peugeot when I didn't put the clamps on the bushes correctly

Gary H, February 2008
link Click here to see other fixes for Mondeo.