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Replacement filters for steam irons?

Where can I get replacement filters for the water tank on my White
SI-85 turbo steam iron?
H. Lee, February 2008
I need a water filter too, any suggestions?

Charnel, August 2011
I am also looking for replacement filter for turbo steam iron SI 85 PLEASE HELP US.

Kathy in Mich., May 2009
Filters for this iron are no longer available. I too have the same iron that needs new filter.

Carol P, May 2009
I need the White Turbo Steam Iron SI-85 filter also.

Barbara W, February 2009
I have the same question about the White Turbo Steam Iron SI85 filters. Does anyone have an answer to this question? My Steamer still works but I desparately need to change the filter.

Lillian Clemons, February 2008