10mm spanner
10mm socket
13mm ring spanner
13mm socket
100mm extention bar
swivel joint for your ratchet
an of course a ratchet.
and a work light
3 wires to disconnect
1= power(big red one)
2=switch (little one)
3=earth Big yellow one
and 2 bolts to undo...the top bolt is a little unusual it is threaded rod with a bolt 3/4 of they way up
how i did it.....
1. jack up car front and prop safely
2. disconnect battery (use 10mm spanner
3.locate starter(its behind the engine up about 4 inches in the middle)
4.undo 13mm nut that releases big red lead (positive)
use 13mm ring spanner
5.undo 10mm nut (little lead)( switch positive)
use 10mm socket in 100mm extension with ratchet once loose remove ratchet and use your hand to turn socket and extension.
6.undo botton fixing bolt with 13mm socket 100mm extension and ratchet i did this so when i loosen the top one you know your in the right place when it loosens as you cannot see if your socket is on the top bolt and it is very tight up there
now the hard part...
7.undo upper top nut that holds on the earth lead...(you cant see it so i got a new starter motor to give me an idea where it is ...then remove earth lead....
8. undo unusual bolt/threaded rod.....its the same bolt that the earth is connected cant see it as before but feel where it is....your 13mm socket will locate it......close your eyes and feel....just imagine taking 2 nuts off the same threaded rod...but the bottom nut is part of the rod
top tip take your time....get the replacement starter motor before you start and study it also try looking at a drawing of the top/earth fixing bolt and it will all become clear....
fit new one same steps in reverse...make sure you put earth lead back before you connect the big red cable as it gets in the way.....
its a fiddly job took me 2 hours but i am not a mechanic
Malcolm Aitkin, September 2012