I bought a Samsung American-style fridge freezer from Comet. It was great for 2 years. I was so pleased with it. Then at 2 years and 2 months old, food in the freezer thawed, especially noticeable with ice-cream. I contacted Samsung who told me to turn it off for 24 hours, this I did, worked for a while and food thawed out again. Freezer temperature varied between 0 - +4. Fridge was working OK so for several months, we managed with just the fridge. Then suddenly the fridge temperature jumped to +8 - +13, so we started using the freezer as the fridge. This fridge freezer is a pile of junk and I would not recommend anyone to buy it. Neither Samsung nor Comet want to know about it. This item cost £800 and lasted just over 2 years. Previous fridge-freezers have cost under £200 and lasted me 8 years or more.
Talltraveller, March 2008