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How can I limit the rpm on my Poulan 2300 AV chainsaw?

I recently aquired an Poulan 2300 AV chain saw that didn't run. I cleaned it up and replaced the broken fuel line. It started but ran poorly. Tweaking the carb It reved up and ran lgreat but I'm concerned about over reving. How are RMP limitetd and what is the desired or maximum RPM?
John Wangensteen, March 2008
The RPM's are regulated with the high speed adj. on the carb. The two adj screws are side by side, the high is the one further away from where carb mounts to engine. This screw should be turned counter clock wise till engine begins to splutter with throttle full open. The more you turn, the worse it begins to splutter. Do not turn this screw in too far or engine will smooth out and really scream. This is not good. Open till it just begins to splutter but still is running with high RPM's. Caution, If you don't open H screw till runs with this splutter, engine will be damaged by too lean of a carb mixture and will ruin the engine. It's not the RPM's to worry about but running saw too lean will burn it up. Typically if the carb is in need of nothing, the proper adj settings are H 1 round out and L 1 1/4 to 1 1/2. After warm up period ck to make sure saw will throttle to full open without bogging. If boggs just open 1/8 turn and try throttle again. When correct setting acomplished, throttle to wide open and listen that there are good high rpm's but still with that raspy studder sound I describe as a splutter. These are settings that are consistantly correct unless carb needs rebuild kit and a cleaning. Don't let it be operated too lean as this little 2300av is a sweet running dependable saw!

Don Martin, May 2008