Trev, Sorry about that but I did not know how much room I was going to be able to type my question into.
Okay - I have a shower over the bath situation with the bath taps below the shower taps. In the bath tap nozzle we have an aerator disc and the water pressure is terrific but the shower head pressure is horrible (I am presuming they are on the same plumbing line)
Next to - and on the same wall - the shower and bath we have the basin. This tap also has an aerator disc in the nozzle and also has terrible water pressure. (again i am presuming that they are all on the same pipe line)
The total distance height wise between all of the outlets is approx 3 feet. The bath taps are the lowest on the wall, then the basin taps and then the shower head.
Why are the shower head and the basin so terrible when the bath pressure is terrific?
I have removed the shower head from the pipe wall outlet and checked that this isn't blocked and have also cleaned the actual shower head but this has made no difference.
Absolute beginner with any plumbing but will give it a go if you have any ideas that may be of help.
Hope that this has been more explanatory, with thanks for even looking at the question, Laurie
Mrs Laurie Harris, March 2008