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corsa timing chain is it possible to adjust it?

I have a 1 ltr 3 cylinder vauxhall corsa it is quiet when it starts from cold but when it warms up it starts to rattle i have been told that it's the timing chain it it possible to adjust the chain or is it a complete strip down.
nick, March 2008
Hi can anyone supply pictures of the timing marks for a corsa 1.2 16v 04 reg a step by step txt guide would also help.

Pupsmartyn, November 2013
Corsa New 1.0 Timing Chain Kits inc Sprockets on E Bay approx £60.00. Has anyone used these kits pls? Info required.

Cheers. MVS.

MVS2013, March 2013
Can Iask a question instead? We have an 2004 1.0
Corsa enegy! 27750 mls. Yes we have a top end noise on tickover when hot, timing chain me thinks? We also have a bottom end 'crank rumble' noise when engine revved up at approx 3/4000 rpm's. Just like (if you're old enough to remember) a 1200 Cortine Mk1 three bearing crank. For a moden engine I can't believe Vauxhall would design an engine that sounds like a bag of spanners! I'ts made this noise from 2 yrs old. Help please.
Regards MVS.

MVS2013, March 2013
You must change water pump when changing timing chain.We should sue vauxhall for telling us in the car manual book change oil at 20,000 mileage.That is the cause of the chain strectching and making rattling noise.otherwise the chain would have lasted as the engine dies.

muhammad uddin, March 2013
My corsa had a recall on the timing chain. it is a 53 reg and it was recalled and replaced at 40000 miles.

Carol, October 2012
I have a 1.4 corsa 06 reg that sounds like a sewing machine! Is this the timing chain and if so how much roughly does it cost to fix before it's too late??

Martin, October 2012
can i adjust my timing belt chain on my corsa 1999 modol

andrew jenkins, April 2012
what torque setting for the head bolts for a corsa 1 ltr 12v 53 plate

paul faulkner, March 2012

I have a 2003 Corsa 1.2 SXi. Sounds great when on the move but it is ticky when idling and warm.

I phoned Vauxhall to check it wasn't included in recall which it isn't, and then asked when the timing chain should be replaced - the man said when it breaks! Load of help he was...

Do you think a good service, engine flushout and new thicker magnetec oil would do the trick? Really do not have the money to be shelling out for a new timing chain.

Cheers, Alex

Alex, March 2012
At what mileage is a corsa likely to start seeing these timing chain symptons??

& Isit worth buying a corsa?

I was looking to buy a 1.2 SXI 2004 corsa with 46k on the clock

ive been put off after reading this thread can someone give me some advice.

Mohammed, March 2012
1.0L Corsa is the New Rover

Dale, February 2012
my timeing chain has busted would it be cheaper to buy a different car or fix it cos i didnt realise and tryed to start it

shane parker, October 2011
rob i read your piece on the timing chain mine needs replacing what do i actually have to buy and is there any places to get this the garage said 600 pound i havent got that

tracey, May 2011
change the oil to thicker oil like castrol magnetexs 5w30 fully synthetic should quieten down a treat ive been told on corsa-c uk

deano, April 2011
i have justr been on the phone to a man in manchester he is extreamly helpful and if you have any problems i would advise you to give him a call 07944539264
he helped me with my corsa timing marks

jamie, April 2011
can anyone tell me where the crank lock off hole is on the s-reg corsa 1.4 cc need to retime the car because the belt has slipt .

kevin, March 2011
My timing chain is getting replaced next week (corsa 1.0 2001). Been quoted £280 for the whole job. Dont go to a big garage like lookers / vauxhall etc. Mine is a mobile mechanic who works for himself....

Becky, March 2011
Hey Clare (from above post!) Also just been to Lookers re. Cambolt recall...and also been told i need a new Timing chain! £600! Was wondering if you've had yours changed and if the rattling stopped?? Don't wanna pay out if its somethin else....

Sal, March 2011
Got my girlfriend a corsa for christmas, a few weeks later chain has started to rattel badly (cant adjust the chain its self adjusting using a hydrolic plunger type tensioner , im a mechanic so will be replacing it myself iv done a few already, the kits can be bought from most motor factors i paid £109.00 and got a kit which contains chain, rails, top chain guide, both cam sprockets, crank sprocket, chain tensioner, crankshaft oil seal, timing cover gasket, new cam and crank Bolts and even the timing pin and bar, most of which are genuine parts! so its excellent value for money, if you have a chain problem i would advise you get the parts yourself and then ask around garages to fit it and you should get a good price, fitting it yourself is possible if you have a bit of know how, just be careful when checking the timing and dont skip on cleaning up the mating faces of the parts (timing cover) or it will leak!

Sin, February 2011
In some cases the rattling can be as a result of lack of pressure from the hydraulic tensionser because it is controled by the oil pressure sensor that bolts into the chain case. its allways worth trying a new one of these first cos they're about £5 new and can be changed in as many minutes and might just cure it. Usually you can tell if its gone as they will leak a little bit of oil out through the socket into the wire.

Cured my mum's old '99 corsa 1.0 but my mates 07 1.0 is being a bit more costly.

Charlie, February 2011
ive just bought a corsa sxi 2001 and i took it into the garage and it needed a new radiator and now the mechanic said it needed the head skimming so got that done now hes saying the timing chain is slack...... what can i do anyone give me some advice.....i also hate these friggin corsas now

kraig wilkinson, January 2011
hey just took my corse 1.0ltr into the vauxhall dealership after it being recalled for the camshaft bearing bolt! Got told by a mechanic that the rattling is due to this problem yet the man at vauxhalls told me its the timing chain and it will be around £800!! Think they just try and get money out of me sometimes! Never go to lookers they are useless!

Clare, December 2010
From Dublin had a 1.0 Corsa 02' bought it for 2grand and within 5 months started making rattle noise which just kept getting worse got 3 different opinions on it and 2 of the mechanics said timing chain was wearning away both told me its not worth the money or hassle to change it.. a replacement might last a week a month or lucky a year but its extremely dangerous to drive as the engine can seize at any mo not good if your on a motorway at 120km/hr. Anyway got quoted 700-800euro always happens with the opel/vauxhall corsas and expecially astras. Told to stay away so id recommend people do the same!

Al, October 2010
hi u cant adjust the timing chain, what happens is the chain strectches over time, its a common fault on the 1.0, 1.2 and 1.4 timing chains on the vauxhall engines,

i use to work for vauxhall and there was a huge recall about 5 years ago of the timing chains strectching and then vauxhall replaced the timing chains,

im now a mobile fitter and fit new timing chains on vauxhalls and have fitted hundreds, its such a common fault and ive fitted new chains on corsas that have only done 22,000 miles, if u need any more info just let me know

hope this helps

rob, October 2010
sorry to revive an old thread. i am thinking of buying a corsa energy 12v (54 reg only done 21000 miles). went for a test drive and upon starting thought to myself "is this a diesel" sounds alot like what has been described here. should this be something to put me off buying the car or is it ok? i obviously dont want to pay for it only to find out i need to spend £500.

worriedbuyer, October 2010
Hi, i have a 02 1.2 DOHC corsa with what sounds like the descriptions above or possibley rattling stuck hydralic tappets on 90k with no history of the chain being replaced.

Tonight i have taken the rocker cover off to inspect what i was certain to be a worn/loose chain, only to find the chain was fairly tight on the guide that sits between the two cam gears/pullys.. if you pull the chain off this middle guide upwards with forcing the tensioner in, the chain will come off the guide by about 15mm... am i likely to see the chain slack? or will the tensioner always take up the slack no matter how worn the chain is?

Without stripping everything apart is there any other indicators to diagnose that the timing chain is worn/faulty? the chain seems to have a little slack in it between the links but nothing to major. When the chain wears/stretchs, does the tensioner take up the slack making the chain seem tight?

I have visually checked things quickly like the hydralic tappets but again nothing seems to be obvious without going to deep into stripping parts out. Any help much appreciated... i dont want to waste time or money replacing/rebuiding something that does'nt need it.

Also it may be worth mentioning i have tried the Wynn tappet cleaning stuff and it had little or no effect (so i am guessing its not a stuck tappet?)

Simon Demmery, September 2010
Vauxhall Corsa and Agila 1.0 and 1.2 timing chain complete kit. New Engine oil and filter and Anti freeze. Contact Andrews Mobile Autocare on 07944539264
From £230.00 in and around Manchester area.

Andrews Mobile Autocare, September 2010
i had a bad noise on my corsa when warm, i found a guy running a mobile service who changed the whole thing for £190 including new oil and filter, car sounds great now, he is in coventry 07758322131

dave, August 2010
Its a common fault with all corsa c , allways buy a chain and tensioner , can do the job in around 3 hours and you dont have to remove the sump , when refiting side casing make sure the two dowels are in place or you will get a wirring noise

Jb, August 2010
just had timing chain +kit on 03 1.2 sxi changed (500 quid) ! and still sounds like flippin deisel after warmed up am hopping mad

hms, July 2010
when you change the timing chain do you have to set up the timing before you do it and how does it split
on a corsa thanks

anne, July 2010
Not possible to adjust, the chain seems to stretch more than the tensioner can cope with. A new timing chain with tensioner kit is available for around £70. I tried to replace mine without taking the sump off - bad idea - apart from that a relatively simple job. Note that all the bolts are 'torx', get a good torx socket set.

robbie, July 2010
my tip is if it's making an awful noise then change it. It's £200 + parts to fit it and £600 parts if the chain snaps - which mine did yesterday :-/
However, it has put me off buyin Vauxhalls - my car is a Toyota with 150,000 miles without a repair bill, my wife's is a Vauxhaul with 40,000 miles and it spends more time in the garage than at home!

Andy, June 2010
If you have a 1.0 corsa it will sound like a diesel. timing chain is partly to blame but it also has 3 cylinders which adds to the noise. it doesnt mean anythings wrong. ive just bough a 1.0 corsa and im thinking of changing my timing chain as its making a hellish sound. they do wear - stretch as is said above but they can be changed easily if you have the right tools. the last thing you want to do is muck up the timing then yes that will mean a bigger job - bent vaulve etc if it will even start which means taking the head off the engine. i would say take it to a garage if your not sure what your doing. im only an apprentice mechanic and a female so only giving you my opinion = ) good luck people!

Debbie, June 2010
what special tools are needed to renew the timingchain on my 2002 1.2 corsa

jake, April 2010
jason h, r u an idiot

tony, April 2010
i have a 1ltr 05 plate corsa and it has been rattling a good 9 months one could tell me wat was wrong with it.i didnt want to go to vauxhall as they rip u off.Anyway my car wouldnt start the other day and it turns out the timing chain has snapped!!! it is in the garage just now, so far the guy is fixing it for £250 for a new kit n new water pump.He fitted that and the car still wont start.he's now telling me the pistons could be ruined and he needs to lift the full gasket off so god knows how much it could go up to.I could cry :( the thing i want to know is my car had recently passed an MOT n service!! why?? could all this damage to my engine been prevented if spotted earlier???

Debzy, April 2010
its a doddle to change yourself i own my own workshop and i have my apprentices changing these after a couple of weeks,take the timing cover off and expose the chain lock up top pulley with a locking kit or a bolt does it just as good put new guide rails on...

if your chain is rattling believe me get it changed what happens is the chain stretches once stretched it dont stop stretching till the chain starts hitting everywhere making it sound like a diesel and eats it way through your water pump causing major damage for the sake of 2hrs work and 90 quid kit id be doing it otherwise head stripped new valves could be piston damage then of the road for a week if anyone is close to blackpool ill be happy to do these for you 60 quid a time

craig sagar, March 2010
i have a corsa 1.2 sxi on a 03 plate my engine warning light came on then the engine starting making a knocking noise. i had diagnostics on it and the bloke said that the timing chain had gone(not snapped) and that depending on the dmage to the cyclinders and pistons and gaskget heads might be ruined or i mught just need a new timing chain and re timed any ideas or good machinics let me know

max......, March 2010
Hiya. My timing chain makes a noise on my car. I have a 1.2 engine, and my friend asked if it was a diesel. I was told it would take 5 hours work, to strip and change it, at about £400. There must be a cheaper way to do this, anyone got advice?

E Chillington, February 2010
i have a y reg corsa its ok when its cold but when its warms up its ratting like mad .its petrol but sounds like a diesel

lou, January 2010
my timing chain has slipt a tooth and stop running wot shud i do its a 1.3cdti

gavin, November 2009
My timing chain has been rattling on my corsa for around 8 months now an i have just booked it in with my works an luckily i got the whole kit for £82 trade an should be fitted for £150-£200 the problem is the whole engine has to be lifted out of the car due to its side mounted, but i would recommend getting the whole kit instead of trying to tighten the chain again because it will wear an become loose again and the technicians said if it snaps you will need to purchase a whole new eco tech engine which is around £3000 without vat. Also vauxhall dealership quote around £650 - £700 for this job so i would find a smaller garage with a better quote for this then the best advice is SELL!

Aj, August 2009
You cannot adjusttiming chain on corsa. Anyone with a bit of common sense can replace chain and tensioners in a morning

STEVE, April 2009
open up and expose the timing chain, add a dollop of thick CV grease too the chain you will find that it will get a lot less knocky also the cv grease will help if the chain dose clip the water pump casing it wont ware as fast

corsa1.2 51 plate, January 2009
I just had my cambelt replaced with a kit (that included new belt and tensioners). Should there be also a timing chain? I thought valve timing is done by EITHER the cambelt OR the cam chain.

I imagine that my 1.7 Isuzu diesel-engined Combo van just has the cambelt for timing purposes. I'm not expecting a chain. But then, I find it hard to imagine a belt rattling to make the noise I'm hearing, unless the tensioners are really badly out. I shall ask my garage who fitted it a few weeks ago to check the tensioner for proper function.

I'm also getting a mechanic's stethoscope which I shall try to pinpoint the source of the rattling/clacking at idle. I think I still need some peace of mind that the big end is really OK. However, the engine is perfectly fine once revved up and running normally - the loud clatter only occurs at engine idle. It now seems to shake the van too!!


teddykan, December 2008
My friendly garage noticed the sound of my 1.7 diesel Combo from a distance, and swarmed over the engine bay to see. They diagnosed it as a big end failure.

However, that doesn't explain why the rattling is so loud at idle, but disappears at higher revs. Mine is just like this - it runs perfectly fine (smooth and quiet) at speed.

A big end job is expensive and actually may not be necessary. Please don't let garages misdiagnose and then try sort out a non-problem. I shall ask them to concentrate on the timing chain, or cambelt, as they recently replaced my cambelt with a "kit" (which includes new tensioners).

teddykan, December 2008

DAVE M, October 2008
just fitted one today
they rattle becuase the chain stretches it not possible to adjust as it is under hydrolic pressure and it is a night mare to do but, if the chain and guides are not replaced the timing chain rubs threw the water pump casing then causing oil water mix and costing more money

david marshall, July 2008
I am interested to learn if it is possible to adjust the tension on the timing chain as the one on my wife's 1.0l three cylinder model is noisy. It has been like that a while and I don't want to strip the engine just to replace it if I can tighten it a bit.

Does anyone know?

When I took it in for the MOT the mechanic thought it was a diesel.

Gordon MacGregor, April 2008
its the whole timing chain mechanism that is killing itself, if it gets really loud that means it is on the edge of breaking and then the whole of the engine will explode. I have 51 reg corsa with 60 000 miles on the clock and it is ticking, a £550 + vat repair job :'( i h8 the car now

Callum McDermott, April 2008
its the whole timing chain mechanism that is killing itself, if it gets really loud that means it is on the edge of breaking and then the whole of the engine will explode. I have 51 reg corsa with 60 000 miles on the clock and it is ticking, a £550 + vat repair job :'( i h8 the car now

Callum McDermott, April 2008
My 03 Corsa 1.2 as been rattling for a second or two on a cold start for about 8 myhs then on ticking when warm sounds like a diesel. Just had it serviced and the garage could not find anything wrong , in fact it drives like a dream.

K Wilkinson, April 2008
hi my nephew has just baught a 1.2 corsa sxi on a 03 plate and his does the same this is a comon fault and to fix this would be a waste of time and money he was told, as it does not effect the drive of the car and would rattle again in no time. so your best bet is to grin and bare it! hope this helps. jason h

jason h, March 2008
link Click here to see other fixes for Vauxhall Corsa.