i have no air brakes on my 0811 horse box ,, any ideas what it could be ?? thanks
mandy bates, August 2013
anyone know about the 4 cylender cargo is it rubbish or is it ok on 7.5 t horsebox
re terry
terry, March 2011
how do I bleed the clutch on my ford cargo 0811 horsebox?
j smith, April 2010
To cure the problem,its best to take the tank off and cut it open.And then clean the tank out and weld it back up.Or you can buy a plastic tank.This just saves having to keep cleaning it out.
simon palmer, August 2009
as K said.there is a small glass bowl on the lift pump which is on the drivers side on the engine block right about the oil filter.unscrew the little metal bit under the glass bowl this will release the glass bit and inside will be a plastic gauze if your tank is dirty it will need cleaning often
jason, June 2008
had same problem you need new fuel filters mine picked up dirt when i ran low on diesell
darrellbond007@hotmail.co.uk, May 2008
Have you tried changing the fuel filters, there are 2 "bowlless" Lucas type filters and another pre-filter fitted to the diesel priming pump.
If they have been changed and theres no air in the system check for any foreign bodies floating inside fuel tank which could block the pickup pipe causing fuel starvation.
Dave, April 2008
i can only add the same advice, check the fuel filter, in the glass bowl, next to the lift pump. had similar problem and replaced twin fuel filters but simply cleaning gauze did the trick.
flashingblade, April 2008
check fuel supply for blockage, also check all fuel filters [if it has a fuel lift pump fitted, [not familiar with this model ], it may contain a gauze filter that will also need checking/cleaning.