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heater stopped working on renault laguna 1.8 rt 1995?

my heater has died on my renault. checked the fuses but no joy there. wired the fan direct to battery and thats ok. has any one come across this problem?
jonny, April 2008
my fan went off .but it came on and off when i went over bumps it felt like it was a bad connection. so i went in through the glove box were there was some kind of censor fitted to the top of the duct Itook it out looked under it and taped it with a screw driver it sparked on one of the soldered joints . i soldered it up. job done, it may not be the same problem as yours but its worth knowing

chris, May 2008
you need to check the back of the heater panel for burnt out connector and its also possable the heater resistor is faulty which is bhind the glovebox.

mark, April 2008
link Click here to see other fixes for Renault Laguna.