servis m6011 problem!!!!!?
ok last week my servis m6011 finished the wash(or so i thought)the green led went off so i assumed it hadnt washed the clothes it had taken in the water but then the green led went off AFTER 5 MINUTES OR SO.i opened up the back because the drum was making a clikin noise and found the armature on the motor was raised on 1 i got another motor and put it in today and it does the same thing.i looked at the motor wen i started a cycle and it dosent move.the machine takes in water and the powder and then just makes a noise and after a while the light goes out as if its finished leaving water in the it seems it wasnt the motor but something else in the first place.although i no the motor was damaged by being raised.please can someone help me.the drum is fine and the bearings,the motor is ok and the im lost.mark
mark, April 2008