You have told me that the problem could a faulty flow valve.
I have just had the dhw microswitch replaced, is this one of
the same, or is this something completely different.
A hole in the DHW diaphragm will mean the fulcrum arm doesnt move and the three port valve/switch are not operated.
The domestic hot water diaphragm needs regular replacement on the 80e, 80sp etc models. When replacing make sure all traces of perished diaphragm that are adhered to the piston and brass insides are thoroughly removed (or you will be replacing it again in under six months). Replacement is an easy job. Google it.
c, May 2008
paddle switch, flow turbine, reed switch, diaphragm, they are all ways of proving water pressure/movement is there and make a switch.
dont think it was me that told you, but what were the results?