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how can i fix my weedeater,poulan,pro link, ppb 100?

pull cord has broken. pbb 100
curtis smith, May 2008
how do i put a rope in it mine broke

jim, June 2014
IT may look like a long process but please read first and then look at what I have said, study it a minute and see what I'm is definitely easier than taking it apart completely.... without taking it apart, take a long neddle nose plier and or a hard wire, put a very small hook at end of wire and reach to the inside of center of cage and pull the broken off cord out of the inner area...( you may have to snip off excess inside ) now look in the plastic carrier and you will see a hole where the cord broke off and you have just pulled out the broken off cord. this is where you will later put the new or whats left of the existing cord through after trimming of the end so it can go through the hole easily, but first, try to understand that the recoil spring has to be rewound first before putting in the cord........ this process is tricky....but it works....patience will get it done......turn the plastic round cord reciever around until it feels fairly tight...sometimes you loose it and it will spin off.....this is normal....I've lost it a few times, patient and learn by do have to watch your fingers...etc......but endurence will once you have gotten to the desire tightness wanted ( you may have to readjust if too loose ) ( do it again in other words ) take note here!!!!!! put the cord through the hole where you pull first from or your day just got it over again.....remember...I learned by experience..(Mistakes in other words)......but now you put the cord through the hole carefully while trying to hold everything into place......( hint) take the hard wire with hook at end or some other threaded device ....(your choice of inventions) push or pull the cord through and then tie a double knot through the end and be sure it is tight and won't come loose or else , you know , do it all again, ( patience again is a good thing ) try praying first, it really does help!!!! if all is have succeeded and can now say that you have been where I have been...but feeling proud of your the way...Good Luck and watch your fingers, temper,and hope you find this helpful..........fellow do it yourselfer....some brag, just fact...I like to fix things simply motto is .......if it is already broken, how can I hurt it...Maybe I can fix it and save my dollar, learn for fun, use what I know to help myself more or others...Have a great day...hope this helps.. (Carpenter / Mr. Fix It are no means a trademark or are they implied to be someone is what I think of Myself to be period, not in business just trying to be helpful.)

Carpenter / Mr. Fix It ............John B., June 2009