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I was doing fine with my Juki DDL-5550-6 sewing machine. When the bobbin thread run out, I pulled out the bobbin case, remove the bobbin and replaced it with another threaded bobbin. When I put the bobbin case back to the machine, I noticed that it got stuck half way in & stayed there. I couldn't pull it out nor push it in.

This was the 2nd time it happened. When it happened to my first machine, I checked all bobbins in hand and threw out the ones that seemed to be too snug, but it still happened.

How can I get the bobbin case out of the shuttle hook? I really don't want to have 2nd machine sitting idle for a stuck bobbin.
Sandy, May 2008
Hi Ken:

Thanks very much for the tip. It took only a gentle push after I opened the needle plate to find a spot to apply force with a screw drirver. I got bobbins out from both machines!

The 2nd machine is running back to normal. However, my first machine (Union Special 63400B) has more trouble because I had tried to remove the bobbin case from the shuttle hook. When it didn't work, I put the screw back but now I know I lost the right position/timing at then. Do you know where I can find the diagram to show me the right position of various parts with correct timing? I knew that the timing requires higher level technique to fix it and I am willing to try... I am already very grateful to you for getting one machine back to life! thanks again.


Sandy, May 2008
Hello Sandy,
Unfortunately the only way is brute force, you have a rotary hook so I cannot think of any other way.

drivewithken@blueyonder.co.uk, May 2008