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how to tighten the hand brake on a ford focus 03 plate 1.6 lx?

nd the nut that is under the gaitor but that just seems to have reduced the amount of clicks the lever makes when raised. how can i tighten the cable so the hand brake has a bit more grip when it is applied? please e mail me if you can help at

thank you
david howes, May 2008
you must remove the central console inside your car, and at the botoom of your handbrake lever there is a screw that need to be tighten. that's for ford focus model 2000-2005 for what i know

tyl, August 2008
i have tried pulling the hand brake lever up and down several times. so is this nut and lock nut under the car can it be ajusted by hand if so were under the car is it located

david howes, May 2008
rear brakes are self adjusting so asuming they are ok,the hbrake adjustment is on the cable under the car.nut and locknut system

caine, May 2008
link Click here to see other fixes for Ford Focus.