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How do i change me brake lights of 200 ford focus lx?

I'm having trouble getting my brake light to work. My boyfriend checked the fuses, replaced the bulbs and got a new brake light clicker thing that attach to the brake inside the car. We're kind of at a dead end and i dont want to take it to the ford service people either
Tequila, June 2008
sounds like a break in the wire to me. if you have done all you say you did. if so. ... get hold of a multimeter and check to see if there is 12-14volts at the brake switch. and if there is then there is current (electicity) there. and also check the bulb holders for about the same voltage. while putting you foot on the footbrake. if there is then check the bulbs with Ohm's for ristance should start on 1. and read 0 when you put the two multimeter wires together. and see if it does the same through the bulb connections.
if it does then check the bulb holder making sure the contacts are clean and are fully spring loaded so they make contact on the bulb. i have had that in my mini. i just taken the bulb holder apart and streched the spring.

but if that is not then there really is a wire broken somewhere. and that is hard to find on a car unless you are very good with electrics like me. :D i love electrics and wiring. :D

good luck and i hope this helps. :) email me if you have done it. at holygit@gmail.com

miniman andy @ TMF (the mini forum, June 2008
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