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Ford Focus heater blowers only working on setting 1?

Hi, i have a Ford Focus 1999 1.4cl and the heater blowers are only working on setting 1 but this is now working as the fastest setting. I have read all over the internet of the blowers only working on setting 4 but mine is only working on 1 but acts like setting 4. I have bought a resistor pack off ebay second hand (although it said it worked) and this has made no difference. All help would be much appreciated.

Thanks Karl.
Karl, June 2008
just had the same problem on my focus, changed the resistor pack no change stripped out the switch on the dash and found the switch had burnt out replace the switch with one from a breakers yard £5 sorted the problem out, ps you have to remove the radio so make sure you have the code,

sheffield bri, November 2010
ive the same problem changed the resistor pack behind the glove box still not workling?????

carl, October 2009
Hi, i have the same problem. The heater blowers are only working on setting 3 and I think is working like 4 before (max speed).

Silvan, August 2008
I would check the resistor pack that you have bought as this fault is normally always the resistor pack. They burn out very regularly and if you`ve just bought the car, then there is a good chance that the previous owner has altered the wiring to it to make it looks as though it works.

chris, June 2008
link Click here to see other fixes for Ford Focus.