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How can I fix my Pfaff Tiptronic 1029?

Need to fix the hand wheel drive on a pfaff tiptronic 1029. All the parts 'popped out' when loading bobbin, think the hand drive screw may have snapped. Cannot figure out how to get pieces/springs back in correct place or even if it is possible to fix myself.
Tori Potter, June 2008
Hi Tory,Sounds like the plastic retaining screw has snapped in the shaft.Removing the plastic thread is not such a big job,just drill a small hole in the screw & push a small tapered screwdriver into the hole untill it grips & remove the screw.Reinstating the clutch mechanism is more complex,requiring lot's of patiance & luck.Email me if you would like more info.


SEWMAN, June 2008
Hello Tori,
What parts do you have ?

drivewithken@blueyonder.co.uk, June 2008