FIX ANYTHING HEH?nows ur chance to prove it.ive never done one of these either.diesel/petrol,makes no difference heads u need to disturb timing belt/chain,if not lets go.drown exhaust manifold nuts and bolts in wd40 for 24h.remove maniflods/in ex.disconnect and remove fuel lines/injectors remove everything to make head lighter.take photos with ur phone if ur worried.drain coolant.lift of cam/rocker cover starting in center and working outward in a spiral pattern slacken of head bolts removing any camsahafts that happen to get in your way.if pushrod?remove them in sequence and stabthemthrough a carboard box to make sure u get them back in same sequence,remove h/bolts.remove head,might take some crowbar work dont brake anything.totally clean all faces on head and block ,slightest bit of old gskt and ur screwed.i would get head skimed/checked at local engine reconer if possible.rebuild using new gskt on all mateing faces.reversal of strip down get tourque settings from manufacturer for head carefull,be systematic be logical ,check everything twice!BIG job not an impossible job.basics are same for escort diesel to mariine encine with cylenders u can stand up haynes manual on any engine for procedure,details different same process .not rocket science ,probably most dificult job most mechanics ever do on daily basis.if u screw up at least all the rustty bolts will be free for next guy
caine, June 2008