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Ford Focus petrol cap door?

The door on my ford focus which exposes the petrol cap has broken at the hinge. I have bought a new part but am unsure of how to 1. remove the broken part and 2. fit the replacment part. The part number is :4M-51-A27936-AF. Any help would be great
andyneedshelp!, July 2008
Anyone had any success glueing the filler flap arm? If so what Glue did you use?

Nik, October 2013
use some zip wires that's what has happened to mine twice now just looking for new one when came across this what a joke .

cheryl, August 2013
My god! They DONT need to change the fuel hose etc! Its a piece of plastic they can pop out and replace! They've just quoted me $120 (australian) for the housing and $135 for the labour.....just going to do it myself though.

Darren, February 2012
I fixed mine myself, for instructions to help others who arrive here see this post http://www.cmaxownersclub.co.uk/forum/broken-petrol-flap-hinge-how-to-fix-it-yourself_topic4246.html

John, October 2010
Me Too!
I have just driven down from Scotland with masking tape on the cap. What can I do to just hold the old one on?

Marie, October 2008
I'm afraid I can't answer that, but I also have the same problem and took it into my local Ford Dealer an they quoted me £1500 to replace it!!!

Apparently they have to change the whole unit, including the fuel hose etc.??! Needless to say, I haven't paid that, but I'm looking for alternatives at the moment!

Nick D, September 2008
link Click here to see other fixes for Ford Focus.