remove the pin from stay arm behind drivers wheel, put gearstick in neutral , fold windows in , tip passenger seat forward and make sure nothing loose can flip forward and smash the windscreen....get the tbar and insert in orange mechanism between cab and headertank , turn to lock then pull hard,,,the mechanism should slide out and be bright orange plastic to show its unlocked/dangerous...then push the knob underneath inwards...the cab should click upwards at which point with a litlle effort it should tilt forwards....remember to pull the bottom knob back and push the orang mechanism home before closing or it wont lock when you drop the cab...also once cab is down give the orange mechanism a push just to make sure everythings locked back up...the red light will be on in the cab if it isnt...if the linkage has failed somewhere do the above then prize the jaw appart with a big screwdriver (one on each side) that locks the cab down...accessible if you squeeze between the wheel and arch
jasonf, August 2008