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Ford Focus spark plug gap?

What is the correct setting for the spark plug gap on a 51 plate Ford Focus 1.6 Zetec SE and can anyone explain what the SE stands for
Brian S, July 2008
maybe sport edition?

ken, September 2011
Special Edition ?

anon, October 2010
Thanks 53 plate handbook states 1.3mm, but the champion plugs I bought stated 1.0mm so I thought car manufacturer wouldve been the correct one!

Jamie Voy, September 2008
The book says 1.3mm but Ford revised this setting to 1mm without sending out an amendment (Haynes are in same position). Ford changed gap as the leads and coilpacks were failing too early and smaller gap gives them an easier life.

REK, September 2008
Dont know about the 'SE', but the spark plug gap is 1.3mm

Jamie Voy, August 2008
link Click here to see other fixes for Ford Focus.