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I can't record sound using my PCs microphone. Help!?

My PC won't record via the microphone. What might be wrong?
Feny, August 2003
When setting the volume, you need to make sure you are setting it on the Recording Controls window. Changing the master mic volume doesn't affect recording, only live audio. In the volume control click on the options menu, then click properties. Check the "Recording" checkbox, then make sure "Microphone" is checked in the bottom part of the window, click OK when you are done. The volume controls will change from playback to recording mode, check the "Select" checkbox under the "Microphone" volume control. You will then be able to use that volume to adjust the gain on your mic.

Tom, February 2006
1. Check sound card is correctly configured by checking control panel/sounds and audio devices. Make sure that default recording device is set to soundcard (or onboard sound chip) if using separate condenser mic.
2. Try alternative mic, check you have plugged into correct socket!
3. Check volume settings (volume control mixer window) to ensure mic level is set to max value and not muted.
4. If mic is USB type check USB device enabled in control panel/system and then set sound card/onboard chip default device as in para 1.

Randolph Carter, August 2003
need more info is this 4 sound recording ie or internet (messenger exp)
also wot operatin system and pc etc

can contact me on johnjib1@aol.com

johnj, August 2003

You need to provide some further information as to exactly what isnt happening, let me suggest some things to check:

1) Check your soundcard is installed correctly and has the latest drivers available for it.
2) From the Control Panel, click on the option which says sounds and ensure that the recording source for your PC is set as your soundcard
3) Check you have plugged the microphone into the correct port on the back of the PC.

If you still have problems please post back here and let me know exactly what program you are using to record etc


Neal Plews, August 2003