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help me fix my ford galaxy?

ford galaxy 2.3 1998 model with air con.The air con pump is squealing and as i don't use it i want to know can i get a dummy pulley to replace it or can i get a shorter serpentine belt (if so what is the route it takes?) ?
Don West, August 2008
I had the same problem and after changing most of the pulleys found it was the idle pulley that was squealing. This part has been modified, so may look slighly different.Cost me £17 plus the Vat from ford. The bearing was shot and there was wear on the wheel from the belt on one side. Word of warning taking it off is fine getting it back on isn't. I found I had to remove the engine mountain and drop the engine slightly to gain access to replace part. once I did this it didn't take long to put back together..and low behold no squeal. Good luck!!!

Tony, August 2008
no short cut here its incoparated with everything else (oil water ect ) get a new belt fitted.

paul, August 2008
link Click here to see other fixes for Ford Galaxy.