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Mac 2816 won't start?

I have a weak but blue spark at plug, still won't start. Shop says it needs new points but says parts are no longer available ???
Dan D., September 2005
Hi you are correct in whatyou say you where told you cannot get any spares for mcculloch machines,if it is more than 8/9 years old they went belly up and and a Japanes company took them over, Whilst I was at that time living in the USA Second hand spares are your only bet, I had a mcculloch blower in the USA when I rang the factory they told me to throw the machine away the part was unavailable and if it was it would be more than the machine is worth SO I leave it to you . hope this helps you to decide JIM

nottendjim, November 2006
2816 has no points... probably pump dia or dirty carb, stuck needle in spark doesn,t get better..if plug is wet try new plug but if it gets wet and no start with new plug....carb needle stuck open..
if you give up i need a coil

pistonrings, June 2006