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GoldenPalace popups?

How can I get rid of these very annoying popups that appear everytime i surf the web. For instance when I go to a searchengine first these darned popups appear.
Even when I get to thise here site they try to lure me into gambling.
ruud schmidtpott, November 2003
If files won't delete (access denied etc) boot computer in SAFE MODE often allows these files to be deleted.

Often I have typed in to GOOGLE 'how to remove/delete xxxx virus' or similar and been led to a forum where someone has the same problem and a solution is offered by someone how to cure it. You may nedd to look past the 1st page but often works for me.

kibby, January 2006
The popups that you are talking are just cr*p, download Ad-aware...run it and soon your computer will be lovely and clean again

Mappy, December 2004
Golden palace casino is completely ruining my computer. First it just came up every time i turned my computer on. But now it has stopped my internet explorer AND windows explorer from working. I thought i deleted the file but it's still there and my virus scan can't seem to even identify it let alone get rid of it. Does anyone know of any way to get rid of it for good????

mo, June 2004
Go to Symantec's page

Oscar, April 2004
This Golden Palace stuff is unbelievable!!! I not only removed all files with "Golden" and "Palace" on my computer, but I did regedit and removed the same references, yet it still keeps popping up. I may have to reformat my hard drive just to get this c**p off my computer.

Kurt Steiner, March 2004
Get yourself a popup blocker. Google's Search Bar will block popups. Also many Firewall products contain this feature. Zone Alarm Pro does for example. (There is also a free version of Zone Alarm - I don't know if this has the popup blocking feature, but worth a look.)

Sharon, December 2003