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How do you replace the electric wall switch?

I have been told it is different for the electric switch for a regular home then to replace in a mobile home: I need to know how to replace these.
Paul, July 2004
I can't see it being different but if you go to mobilehomerepair.com
you might find some info, I live in a mobile home and changing a light fixture wasn't any different. One way you can't go wrong is turn the power off to the switch, then unscrew it and have a look at it, all you have to do is replace it the way you see it, if it is one of the old type it is better to replace it with the type where the wires attach to the side screws. I'm an ex super of an apartment building and I've probably changed dozens of them. Keep in mind there are different types depending if you have aluminum wiring

Luke, August 2004