Replacement "wheels" for sliding shower door needed?
The small wheels which allow our sliding shower doors to open/close have broken off and need replacing. No idea who manufacturer is. Any contacts of possible suppliers?
you can get most spare wheels from
jim, February 2012
google shower door rollers and look for the home page
jiml fixit :-), December 2010
try checking out this site
jiml fixit :-), December 2010
try looking at
jim, November 2010
I have just ordered rollers for my shower door from these people.
Ben C, October 2010
i found a guy called daywalker2008_123 on ebay who was very helpfull
dave diamond, August 2010
Here -
It's not rocket science just google it!
Bob Plum, August 2010
Here here - another frustrated punter whose shower door runner wheels (if that's the right term) have broken and doesn't know how or where to source replacements!!!
Stephen Montgomery, November 2009
PA, November 2009
probably the best place to look wud be ebay
diamonddave, August 2009
can't help. But it makes me feel better knowing i'm not alone! This is a bonkers scenario - so far the only place I've seen means ordering from the U.S. flippin A.!
If i find anything i'll let everyone know.
Nige, July 2009
Mine too - does anybody have any ideas for getting replacements?
Feasel, May 2009
Did you ever find any - mine have broken to!
pdv, March 2009
I can answer this question...
Replacement "wheels" for sliding shower door needed?