If the light is constantly shining then it means that the filter is either needing to be changed or cleaned OR that a clog has happened in the main tube. Its dead easy on the Sebo to take the hose apart and check to see if there is a blockage, whilst also unhooking the main dirt bin by pressing the small lock button inwards at the front above the main carbon motor filter. Once the button is pushed in, the bin can then be taken out. Check the air inspection channel as this may be blocked. Then flip the floor head over, open the trapdoor and see if anything is clogged. Also check the brush bar to see if anything is stuck. Usually 8 times out of 10 on a Sebo X, its the hose that has been blocked. Use a bamboo stick or something not sharp to wriggle the clog out of the way.
Ryan S, September 2008