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I purchased a used white model 940 sewing machine and it doesn't stop?

I purchased a used White model 940 sewing machine and
from the moment it is plugged in it starts sewing and does
not shut off. I can't sew with it like this. is there anything
I can do to control the machine with the presser foot.
The presser foot seems to be attached to the inside of
the cabinet. Any help in at least understanding what can
be wrong will help. I have he manuel but it does not talk
about anything related to this problem.
marlene, September 2008
Thanks drivewithken for answering so quickly. I
really appreciate your trying to help. I did take apart
the foot control however I only found about 6 coils and
the actual wiring. there were no fuses. the foot control
goes plugged in a plug that indicates motor and another
plug on the same which indicates light.

From this one cord goes directly to the machine and the
other is the actual electrical plug.

Sorry if this sounds confusing. I hope this makes a little

Thanks again for any help.


marlene, September 2008
Hello Marlene,
All that has happened is the capacitor has blown in the foot control, undo the foot control and you will see what looks like a big fuse, take it out and discard it, you don't need it, make sure the plug is out the wall first., September 2008