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My washing machine is putting brown stains on my clothes - please help?

I have a simpson Delta S top loading washing machine. When I pull the clothes out there are brown marks on them - the water is clean. I was told to do a cycle with just epsom salts - but it didn't work. Any ideas??
Thank you.
Paula, October 2005
I have the same problem with a brand new LG front-loader that has never been used with fabric softener and only HE detergent in the few times it's actually been used. What a waste of money and now clothes are ruined.

Frank, October 2014
I have read some of the questions and it sounds like some people have iron in their water. We had to put a filter on our water system because we are on a well. That helped eliminate the iron in the water. You can buy Iron Out at a Water supply store to put in with your clothes to get the stains out. As for the other dirt streaks (that is what we are dealing with right now I think I will check the seal around the door and run a tub clean cycle more often.

Penel, June 2012
i have the same problem and ruins my clothes sometimes the stains will come out but still. it looks like chunks of light brown sticky goopy substance that smells how can i fix this and its only every now and then

juliet, March 2012
While I don't have an answer, my washing machine repairman yesterday informed me of a cause (for over $150!!). My machine is fine, but the trees overhanging the clothes line drop a gum / sap / 'stuff' on the clothes which is not noticed UNTIL the next time it gets washed. It seems a laboratory confirmed this. Apparently, the washing detergent reacts with the gum to cause the stain. I still haven't found a way to remove the stains, and I welcome anyone's advice on how to achieve this.

D'Arcy Watson, August 2011
FYI, banana trees do the same thing as the Wisteria.

DONNA DAILEY, November 2010
I've had the same problem - you don't notice it until you get ready to wear the item...

Does someone have a fix on how to get the stains out?

frustrated, October 2010
have just washed ALL my new baby clothes for the 1st time- getting ready for next weeks new arrival and EVERYONE of them is affected - sheets and all! Help how do i remove the stains????? Will deal with the washer seperately but for now washer will have to wait.

Amanda, July 2010
I have had the same annoying problem,answer a rusty old nail in the rubber seal around the door My husband must have left it in his shorts pocket,so now he can buy me a new dress!!!

jan, July 2010
Hi had same problem,Easy answer wash machine with CALGON problem solved after only one tablet...

Vicki, July 2010
have had this problem a few times now, can be months apart and its only one item of washing (always mine) that is affected, just pulled a polo top out of the machine and its covered in brown streaks/splodges all over the front of it..........googled it and ended up here, just saw the wisteria theory and i was pruning a wisteria wearing it at the weekend :(

deb c, May 2010
Even though I cleaned and cleaned my washer, my clothes continued to get brown gunky streaks in them. But, I finally -- and easily -- fixed the problem. Clorox sells a product called "Washing Machine Cleaner". Problem solved. End of story. I found it at Target.

David, March 2010
I was advised that rust stains are caused by exposed metal on your clothes horse. (where the plastic has worn off exposing the metal underneath). This normally only happens with cotton clothes.

Gobble-de-gook, February 2010
i had the same problem. it was a buildup of gunk (don't know how else to describe it) in the fabric softner dispenser. i took it all apart and washed it all out. i read the manual and it should be rinsed regularly. i never knew this so for 5 years it was never cleaned.
the stains only come out with a javex product called oops. pour it on the stain, wait 60 seconds and then scrub with the brush. it will scrub out. shout or any other spray products do not work. it is kind of a waxy build up so you must scrub.

rhonda, January 2010
I too had brown marks on washed clothing only noticing when ironing them. I took Adam's advice and ran the machine at 95 degrees with a little washing liquid a big dollop of bleach and a good scoop of washing soda. I then washed all the marked clothes, first spraying them with vanish and washing them at 40 degree and they came out clean. Thanks for all the advice.

Marie, October 2009
Wipe any collected sludge from the drum seal, then run the washer (emtpy) on a hot wash using a liquid detergent containing bleaching agents.

This will help to wash away the build up of mould and bacteria you can't get to. Repeat if necessary.

It's recommended you do this once a month to remove any build up of sludge you get whilst running the washer on 40 degree washes.

Adam, August 2009
I have just had the same problem - brown stains on all my white cotton T shirts. I cleaned around the INSIDE EDGE of the rubber seal (next to the metal drum) and found lots of brown gunk there!
I managed to get all the stains out by using SHOUT stain remover spray first on all the marks and then washing again by hand. All the stains were removed. Not tried another wash yet but I hope this has solved the problem. Hope this helps.

Helen, August 2009
I just went through a similar problem. Random loads would end up with what looked like brown sludge on them. I Disassembled the entire machine and found a large amount of dirt and grime built up over the years in the plastic outer tub and outside the metal inner tub. Also the drain diffuser under the metal tub was filthy. Cleaned the whole thing. What a pain!

Jeff, June 2009
We were finding pieces of brown wax and stains on our clothes. In our case, it was either the liquid fabric softener, the HE detergent, or both. I opened up our Calypso washer (the top opens from the front/hinges in the back), took the white top off the barrel (it unsnaps around the sides), and cleaned out about 2 cups of brown paste and sludge. This took about 2 hours, but hopefully I won't need to do it again for another 5 years or so.

Chris, February 2009
I just discovered the cause of our problem---mildew looking brown gunk under the rubber seals. We have a front loader and the seals around the opening of the washer had nasty stuff all under it, the same brown looking muck on our clothes. I kinda figure it is a combination of dirt and probably mildew from washing clothes all these years. I took an old wash rag and got all I could from under this seal. Hope this helps.

Mike P., June 2008
Simply lift the paddle in the middle .. the reason for the stains will be obvious. I think the pile of stuff is simply a combination of lint and powders and stuff building up over the years ... just clean it with old rags and replace the paddle :)

Michael., February 2008
I have not figured out how to stop it but you may be able to save some of your clothes if you have not thrown them out. The product is called Super Iron Out Multi purpose rust stain remover (it works whether these brownish yellow spots are rust or not) I got it at Canadian Tire. The UPC is 076168000015. Follow the directions. Fill washer with warm water add 1/2 cup add clothes and let sit 5 minutes (I accidentally did 10 minutes) then run the rest of the wash cycle. Our white cottons look fine now but it didn't fix the washer because it still puts the stains on.

Sherri, October 2007
The answer may be here:


Wisteria Growers Beware. The sap stains your clothes. The stains are invisible until after washing. Then they are brown and permanent. It has taken me years to discover the cause. I even replaced a perfectly good washing machine to stop what appeared to be rust marks before I found out the truth in July this year. Now I am trying to get detailed scientific information about the biochemistry involved - so far without success. Can anyone help?

a2i, September 2007
i have a hotpoint and am having the same problem some of my best clothes are being ruined. i need some advice. from nb

n. b., August 2007
we have the same, have changed the machine, put a filter in the water supply. The stains look like rust (but are not) they cannot be removed by bleaching.

I think it is somthing to do with low water use, in energy saving machines and low temperture powders...

HELP..... Brian

p.s it only seems to effect COTTONS

brimoy, July 2006
Dear paula,try putting bleach in the washer and running it with nothing else in the machine if this does not work try clr you can find Clr in your local supermarket.Also check all the rubber seals in your machine if one is rubbing on your wash their is where your stains are comming from.Hope this helps.

Mike D., October 2005
link Click here to see other fixes for Simpson.