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How do I set the timing on my Riccar654de serger?

What's the big secret? I can't get any manuals or information on how to set the timing, either from the manufactuer or on the web. Everyone in my area wants $80. to $100.00 to reset the timing. It can't be that hard. Can anyone help?
Donna B., September 2008
Ken, My serger is a four thread. I did as you said, assuming the "hook" you refer to is the lower looper. Is it possible something else is the problem? It won't form loops. I put white thread in the needle, red in the lower looper and blue in the upper looper. The red and white tangle but the blue doesn't get involved at all.

Donna, September 2008
Hello Donna,
It is difficult to get it right on a serger because it can be a three of four thread, it is very unusal for an overlocker to go out of time, turn the balance wheel so the needle goes down and then starts to go back uo, the hook should be just above the eye of the needle, if it is not you need to slacken the bottom drive bar and move it round until it is just above the eye of the needle, it can take quite a time to retime these machines and it may take you quite a few attempts., September 2008