I have done this in our utility room - 6 downlight holes.
Buy some plasterboard from B&Q quite cheap and you will not need the 1200 x 2400mm size unless you make lots and lots of mistakes... Make sure it's the same thickness as your existing plasterboard.
Remove the lamps and enlarge the holes using a padsaw (B&Q). Make the new holes rectangular (lightly draw a pencil line if necessary) and TAKE CARE not to saw into the electrics - remove fuse or trip lamp-breaker for safety while sawing.
Use NoNails type adhesive (B&Q) to glue small wooden batons (B&Q) onto upper side of plasterboard - in the ceiling void. These will act as a level for the new plasterboard and give a surface to glue against. Use two batons for each hole and make sure there's space between them for the new downlighters. Wait until adhesive is quite dry.
Cut new plasterboard to fit holes in ceiling - allow a small gap so you don't have to force them in. Make the holes for your new downlighters before you glue each one onto the batons. Hold a straight edge across the ceiling to ensure the new piece is not proud. Hold up with masking tape if necessary while the glue sets.
Use a proprietary fine-surface filler (B&Q) to fill the gaps. When dry sand gently and paint - will need a couple of coats.
Fit new lamps - job done...
Six downlighters is a lot for a bathroom - you might consider fewer lamps with higher wattage bulbs - my bathroom 3.2m x 2.4m has one conventional ceiling mounted flush luminaire (100w) and one downlighter (50w) over the shower. Plenty bright.
Richard Buxton, September 2008