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how can i fix my automatic micra nissan 1997 2 door?

how can i fix my automatic micra nissan 1997 . it starts ok but when put in drive of reverse it wont move ?
joan macdonald, September 2008
you may find that this vehicle has a different type of geabox than a normal auto box. this may be the electronic type which has an electric type torque convertor unfortunately when these start to play up they are uneconomical to repair and quite difficult to find a secondhand one. sorry for the bad news obviously check any connectors that go to the box

iain, September 2008
sounds silly but have you checked the gearbox oil level, also check it for colour it should be crimson, if it is black this means the oil is burnt and suggests a possible worn gearbox, also check out the kickdown cable if it has one if it has try to disconnect and see if it moves, if not it could be the torque converter.

p trehearn, September 2008
link Click here to see other fixes for Nissan Micra.